UU the Vote

Electoral Reform is a grassroots initiative at Shelter Rock.

Votes Matter!


Supporting the democratic process in our congregations and in our society at large is the 5th Principle of Unitarian Universalism. For decades, Unitarian Universalists have engaged in voter registration and voter rights work as an expression of our values. Working to end disenfranchisement is one way we can show people that their vote and their voice matters and it helps hold electoral officials as well as ourselves accountable for living out the values we express. In recent years, Unitarian Universalists have been part of a groundswell of voting rights, electoral work, and democracy movements that have gained momentum since the 2016 US elections. In 2018, the UUA supported significant organizing in Florida and Ohio to push back against the system of mass incarceration that keeps so many low-income communities and People of Color from exercising their right to vote.

Members and friends of Shelter Rock work to encourage voter registration and get out the vote.

Votes Matter!

UUCSR will never endorse candidates or engage in party politics in any manner. But members of UUCSR will stand up for the dignity and worth of all people, the democratic process, the interdependent web of all existence, and other core values of Unitarian Universalism.

We are committed to the concept of democratic representation and fair elections. To that end, members of UUCSR work to "get out the vote."

Votes Matter!