We are living in a time of climate change. It has caused worldwide disasters and the disappearance of thousands of species. Floods, droughts, wildfires, extreme heat, drought, and pollution of our air and water, as well as soil depletion. As long as the burning of fossil fuels continues and is not abated by corporations and governments unwilling to make real commitments as promised, we are on the path to destruction. Yet there is hope, as we take a closer look at the new shaping of reality.

Nowadays, most people recognize and accept the fact that the climate crisis is real. When they live on an island or on a low coastal area, they are experiencing first-hand rising sea levels and horrific storms. On land, many have suffered from mega-fires or drought. But as new energy sources (clean renewable energy ones) are developed and sold more cheaply than fossil fuels, the decline of greenhouse gases provides goals that build hope.

In the US, part of the new infrastructure bill is Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. This game-changing legislation invests $1.4 billion to keep more species from extinction or endangerment. This is vital. Without biodiversity, our interconnected web of life will perish. Climate change has caused threats to biodiversity such as disease and invasive species, causing unsupportable environments for animals and other creatures. State wildlife action funds will receive money from this fund to be devoted to conservation projects. More importantly, recognized tribes in the US will get money to save wildlife, plant species, and help protect air, water, land, and food sources. On June 14, 2022, H.R.2273 passed in the House, giving leadership to Tribal conservation. It is hoped that the Senate will do similarly. At UUCSR, we would like to implement a Wildlife Management Plan to assure sustainability for our acreage and biodiversity. These are positive actions and goals.

Positive goals can be accomplished when people support them. We can move forward with like-minded people. Join support groups that endorse and work for a greener, healthier environment; become inspired and also inspire others toward positive change. Together we redress grievances, injustices, and work to build a transformational environmental policy. Together we can work with politicians to pass laws protecting humans, biodiversity, and our Earth from further harm. This is our responsibility and the promise of hope to have a brighter future.

Submitted by Elaine Peters for the Green Sanctuary Committee