Now more than ever, there is a strong need for community outreach in times of anxiety, crises and suffering.
The Caring Committee offers comfort and encouragement to all those in need. If you have a concern or know of someone who is in need, please contact a minister.
Suzanne Viverito, Chair of Caring Committee
In times of pastoral crisis, whether your own, or that of a fellow member about whom you are concerned, you may need to reach out to a minister. Please save and follow these instructions in a critical situation: Monday-Friday during regular business hours, please contact the Ministers' Assistant Sharyn Esposito by phone (516.472.2960). On weekends and after regular business hours, please call the live answering service at 516.795.0329.

No matter what has drawn us to Unitarian Universalism, our need to belong to an authentic, supportive community is an appealing feature of congregational life. To feel that we are truly cared for by others comforts, strengthens and encourages us. At Shelter Rock, we attempt to nurture one another through all of the changes in our lives – during times of celebration as well as in times of need.
For help or to volunteer, please call the Caring/Ministers’ Assistant, Sharyn, at 516.472.2960.
Caring Ministries
All members and friends are welcome to participate in Shelter Rock's volunteer-driven ministries.
These individuals send a card to members who are identified as needing care and support or to acknowledge joys and milestones. Follow-up calls may be made to those in need. Coordinates calls and visits to Shelter Rock members who are hospitalized or homebound or in need of contact.
These individuals make visits to people’s homes, rehabs and hospitals, as the need arises. Training is provided for those interested in visitation ministry.
Members of both quilting group create hand-crafted pillows, bags and quilted gifts to welcome new babies and cheer those who are ailing.
These individuals will coordinate meals for families / individuals who are in need of meals depending upon circumstances. They will also coordinate and recruit volunteers to cook meals and to deliver meals. Some cooked items are stews, soups, chilies to be placed in the UUCSR Caring Committee Freezer in our main kitchen and/or to be delivered to Hadley House as the need arises.
The Caring Committee hosts this annual traditional, full course luncheon for Shelter Rock members and their families on Thanksgiving day. Its purpose is to promote a friendly, family-like environment to serve the needs of its members who either may be alone during the holidays or wish to be a part of the Shelter Rock community. A Minister is always present for a blessing and there is musical entertainment to add to the festivities. A nominal fee is charged for the event.
Members of the Caring Committee offer assistance during memorial services by greeting guests; receiving and arranging food; and assisting and offering support to the family in their time of need.
A sheet cake and fruit platters are provided in the social hall to commemorate birthdays four times a year. Birthdays of both adults and children are announced at the beginning of each month via eblasts to all members.
This is a group-directed, casual discussion on death without an agenda or objective in an accessible, confidential space. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support group or counseling session, to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their finite lives.
It is tradition that during the holidays, the Caring Committee distributes gifts to members who are ill or homebound. The gifts are usually handcrafted and uniquely designed by members of Caring Hearts and Love and Stitches quilting groups.
Offers support and fellowship to seniors at Shelter Rock and in the surrounding community. Programs feature guest speakers addressing issues of importance to seniors.
A variety of community resources which are relevant to the needs of Shelter Rock members are made available to members and the larger community on the UUCSR website. This list is reviewed and updated periodically.
The Lay Chaplains are members of Shelter Rock who are trained to provide confidential, compassionate companionship and spiritual support to fellow members experiencing transitions or crises. Ministers work in collaboration with Lay Chaplaincy to provide members with assistance.