Meet New Tenor Section Leader/Soloist Brian Jeffers Michael St. Peter, tenor section leader/soloist in the UUCSR choir moved back to hometown Chicago over the summer, and we are pleased to...
When To Contact a Minister As we begin another congregational year, your ministers want you to know that we are here with you. Sometimes people have said that they...
LIAC is Hiring! Long Island Area Council of UU Congregations (Liac) Is Hiring! Two new part-time positions are available to support the UU mission on Long...
Labor Day To quote Martin Luther King, “No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and...
The web of life is truly amazing! This week at UUCSR, Karen Uresk from Seatuck Environmental Association gave our interns an in field study of the varied life under the...
Newsday asked, “What is it like to lead a new congregation?” Asking the Clergy: What is it like to lead a new congregation? From left, Rabbi Rishe Groner, The Rev. Wendy C. Modeste, The Rev. Israel...
Our Topsoil One of the earth’s valuable resources is its topsoil. “Globally, the soil contains over 3,000 gigatons of carbon, about four times the...
Join Reclaim Our Vote Reclaim Our Vote (ROV) is a project of the not for profit, nonpartisan organization, Center for Common Ground (CCG) based in Virginia. ROV...