Forsythia, crocus, daffodils… spring is here. True, it may snow again but spring will not retreat. And we must not retreat either—we must embrace this season of change, growth, and renewal. It’s been a long three years of Covid pandemic “winter.” And while Covid is not gone, it can now feel that the suffocating isolation of the pandemic closures has lifted enough that we can see the road forward. We can pick up some of the plans dropped in order to concentrate on survival.
What would you like to see springing forth in this congregation? In your life? What would be liberating? Empowering? Connecting?
Look forward to these spring celebrations at UUCSR:
• Blooming & Belonging Membership Renewal Celebration and Luncheon—affirming your membership for 2023–2024—begins on April 16—look for more information to come.
• All-Congregation Retreat takes place over the Memorial Day weekend and is a chance for the UUCSR community to gather for fun and fellowship—come and gather with old friends and meet new friends.
This spring our Muslim, Jewish, and Christian neighbors and friends will celebrate Ramadan, Passover, and Easter. Our wish is for each community to know the joy of their time of deep religious and cultural reflection.
Ramadan Mubarak | Chag Pesach Samech | Happy Easter