This is what democracy looks like: bottom-up social movements with the vision and numbers to demand change.
2022 Veatch Annual Report to UUCSR Members
Ten years ago, hundreds of fast food workers in New York City walked out of their jobs and into the streets for a one-day strike with a demand that was considered radical at the time: a $15 an hour minimum wage. This was more than double the $7.25 an hour salaries most fast food workers were earning in New York.
They spoke out about their experiences of living in poverty despite holding jobs. “I have two kids under 6, and I don’t earn enough to buy food for them,” KFC worker Pamela Waldron told The New York Times.
They organized and stood together, breaking the isolation and fear rampant in the industry. They dared to dream big when economic experts doubted their cause. In their fight for wages, they earned the respect and support of New Yorkers and workers everywhere. They succeeded in raising the minimum wage here and subsequently, in states across the county.
The Fight for $15 became about more than worker rights – it was a campaign for dignity, recognition, and equity. This decade-long struggle continues, though it now includes better lives for the twenty five million workers, including 12 million people of color, who have won $150 billion per year in additional pay.
Veatch grantee Community Change— whose 125 community-based affiliates were critical to the success of this effort — recently took time to reflect and celebrate this progress. In an opinion piece, Dorian Warren, co-President of Community Change, reflected on the seismic shift for low-income workers:
“Over the past decade, the Fight for $15 has advanced a new model for change grounded in the power of grassroots organizing. Led largely by people of color, the movement has shown that… interventions must come from the bottom up, reflecting the genuine voices of workers and their communities.”
In 2022, once again, Veatch grantees organized for the long term, to change hearts and minds, and to build the power to protect and expand access to rights and dignity. This past year, the urgent need to support and sustain our multiracial democracy weighed heavily. Our over 180 Veatch grantees ensured that young people, women, Black and Indigenous people, and other people of color who have been historically excluded from participating in our democratic institutions, had a seat at decision-making tables. They worked to change systems from the ground up. At the same time, late in the year, when migrants unexpectedly arrived in New York on buses sent from across the country, Veatch grantees mobilized to greet and support these new arrivals. Offering food, counseling, cell phones and other supports, they met immediate needs with compassion and respect.
In this 2022 Annual Report to UUCSR members, you can read about the over 180 organizations Veatch supports with long term, flexible grants. Within each of these organizations are the stories of everyday people showing up for their communities and demonstrating how a functioning multiracial democracy—in which all can thrive, not just survive – is truly what democracy looks like.
We invite you to take a moment to be uplifted and inspired by these brief snapshots of the Congregation’s faith in action. Below, you can read brief descriptions of the 2022 Veatch grantees, along with a chart that shows how we allocated Veatch funding last year. For ongoing information you can sign up to receive our emailed Veatch News Updates here. Please visit the Veatch webpage and the Veatch Blog to learn more about the Veatch Program and the Congregation’s over 65 year legacy of leadership in progressive philanthropy.
Finally, we hope you will join us on Veatch Sunday, January 29, 2023 to meet and hear from our featured grantee speaker, Dorian Warren of Community Change. His reflections on the progress of a ten-year struggle for fair wages for all, suggest that this is only the beginning: “Now, let us dare to imagine what’s possible in the next 10 years.”
Toward Justice,
Corinne Hayden
Chair, Veatch Board of Governors
Joan Minieri
Executive Director
Images: Members of Community Change's Child Care Justice Campaign (left) and youth members of Make the Road, an affiliate of Community Change's FIRM immigration coalition.
Unitarian Universalism
Beacon Press $175,000 — To support an independent publisher of books that reflect Unitarian Universalist principles and promote social change.
Church of the Larger Fellowship $45,000 — To build a global spiritual community in which Unitarian Universalist faith is grounded in a quest for meaning, a commitment to justice and equality, and daily practice of empathy and compassion.
Faith in Public Life $50,000 — To support a media strategy center advancing faith in the public square as a force for justice.
InterValley Project $40,000 — Support a regional network in New England of labor union locals, community groups, and faith-based organizations to organize for social and economic justice.
Long Island Community Foundation $415,000 — To foster social, economic, environmental, and political justice on Long Island via a Unitarian Universalist regranting program.
Meadville Lombard Theological School $75,000 — To forge educational pathways that spark the human spirit by creating a laboratory for leaders in faith education to experiment and for congregations to engage in programs that expand human potential for deeper learning, justice, and inclusion.
Public Religion Research Institute $50,000 — To conduct high-quality public opinion surveys and qualitative research on the intersection of religion, values, and public life in America, including the niche that Unitarian Universalism occupies.
Student Activity Fund $20,000 — To encourage Unitarian Universalist high school seniors and college-age young people to become more aware of social and economic problems confronting society through work with non-profit organizations.
Unitarian Universalist Association $975,000 — To support programs increasing denominational growth and furthering social justice.
Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California $50,000 — To support a multi-issue Unitarian Universalist legislative and congregational justice organizing network in California
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee $850,000 — To recommend matching funds for general operating support for FY23.
Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice $75,000 — To increase the scope, quality, and durability of social justice engagement by Unitarian Universalists, both as individuals and as congregations.
Unitarian Universalist Funding Program $1,413,000 — To support the grantmaking and administrative needs of the Unitarian Universalist Funding Program.
Civil Rights and Sustainable Communities
Civil and Constitutional Rights
Astraea Foundation $50,000 — To provide support to organizations in the U.S. South working to build a society where LGBTQ people of color can live full, authentic lives.
BYP100 Education Fund $40,000 — To provide flexible support for a youth-led network that dreams of a better life for Black people.
Causa Oregon $50,000 — To combat xenophobia in Oregon that blunts full participation of immigrants in the state’s economy and democracy.
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights $50,000 — To organize domestic workers, day laborers, undocumented students, and immigrant families for an inclusive economy and humane immigration policies across California and nationally.
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition $40,000 — To advance immigrant rights and improve the quality of life for immigrant families in Colorado.
Florida Immigrant Coalition $60,000 — To increase the ability of Florida’s immigrant communities to promote their civil rights and improve their living and working conditions.
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights $50,000 — To build electoral power in Black, immigrant, and refugee communities in Illinois by increasing the capacity of member leaders to participate fully in our democracy and economy.
New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice $50,000 — To build worker power for low-wage workers of color across southern Louisiana.
OneAmerica $60,000 — To oppose arbitrary detention of immigrants and support immigrant rights in Washington State and at the national level.
Partnership for Safety and Justice $40,000 — To advocate for policies and approaches to crime and public safety issues that serve justice and equity and foster safe and healthy communities in Oregon.
Proteus Fund, Inc. $60,000 — To provide support to grassroots organizations in Muslim, Arab, and South Asian communities throughout the country.
Southeast Immigrant Rights Network, Inc. $40,000 — To build the regional power of immigrant organizations in the Southeast.
Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition $60,000 — To strengthen a statewide immigrant and refugee-led coalition to defend immigrant rights and organize for progressive reforms in Tennessee.
Transgender Law Center $50,000 — To defend and advance rights for transgender communities.
United We Dream Network $60,000 — To strengthen a national network that builds the power of undocumented youth to expand access to legal status, higher education, and protection from law-enforcement harassment.
Voces de la Frontera $60,000 — To defend civil liberties and organize immigrant workers and families in Wisconsin to win economic and social justice.
Working Narratives $40,000 — To support a network of grassroots groups addressing mass incarceration in the United States using organizing and a narrative strategy.
Environmental Justice
Alternatives for Community and Environment $40,000 — To build the power of people of color and poor communities in Massachusetts to eradicate environmental racism and classism.
Asian Pacific Environmental Network $40,000 — To develop the leadership and power of low-income Asian Pacific Islanders in California.
California Environmental Justice Alliance $45,000 — To strengthen the environmental justice movement in California.
Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice $40,000 — To empower people in the Inland Valley of California to create safer and healthier places to live, work, and play.
Centro por la Justicia $40,000 — To support a multi-generational environmental and economic justice organization in Texas, near the U.S.-Mexico border.
Common Counsel Foundation $60,000 — To fund the Native Voices Rising fund, a research and regranting project that supports grassroots groups led by and for Native American communities.
Communities for a Better Environment $40,000 — To organize low-income, people of color communities that are burdened by toxics for environmental health and justice in California.
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights $60,000 — To counteract the root causes of crime and excessive incarceration by championing people’s rights to good jobs, quality education, and environmental health in California.
Environmental Health Coalition $45,000 — To achieve environmental justice in San Diego and Tijuana and build organizing alliances statewide.
Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc. $50,000 — To support Florida farmworkers in securing decent wages and healthy workplaces.
Forward Together $60,000 — To promote the health and well-being of women, girls, gender non-conforming individuals, and their families.
People Organizing to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights $40,000 — To support community-led resilience strategies at the intersection of environmental and economic justice.
Western Organization of Resource Councils Education Project $50,000 — To support organizing for environmental and economic justice in the Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region.
Economic Equity and Fairness
Economic Equity and Democracy
Center on Policy Initiatives $45,000 — To support the underpinnings of a progressive movement for economic equity in the San Diego, California region.
Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy $50,000 — To promote economic and social justice organizing in the Central Coast region of California.
Community Labor United $40,000 — To advance public policies that promote quality jobs, affordable and accessible health care, affordable housing, and environmental justice.
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy $45,000 — To build a faith-based, labor, and community movement for equity and accountable economic development in California’s East Bay Region.
Georgia Stand-Up $60,000 — To promote civic engagement and regional economic justice through research, advocacy, and organizing.
Grassroots Global Justice $50,000 — To build a national grassroots movement for social, economic, and climate justice.
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement $60,000 — To organize rural and urban communities to challenge factory farming in the livestock industry.
Land Stewardship Project $60,000 — To support the revitalization of rural economies in Minnesota by challenging factory farms and supporting local and sustainable family farms.
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy $45,000 — To advance and promote accountable and equitable economic development in the Los Angeles area.
Missouri Rural Crisis Center $60,000 — To strengthen a rural organization in Missouri that is successful at developing local leadership and challenging industrial agriculture.
National Save the Family Farm Coalition $45,000 — To support a national network of family farm organizations to counter the power of corporate industrial agriculture and to push for federal policies that are positive for farmers, consumers, and the environment.
LIFT Fund $40,000 — To support innovative partnerships and worker organizing.
Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development $40,000 — To empower Orange County residents and workers to shape economic policies that affect their lives.
PowerSwitch Action $60,000 — To support a national federation of regional power-building organizations.
SCOPE $50,000 — To support an integrated program of grassroots organizing, alliance-building, and alternative policy development in California.
United for a New Economy $60,000 — To promote and protect the interests of working families in Colorado.
Working Partnerships USA $70,000 — To advance an equitable and sustainable economy in Silicon Valley.
Worker Rights
Campaign for Migrant Worker Justice $60,000 — To obtain democratic rights, environmental protection, and a decent standard of living for farmworkers.
Central Florida Jobs with Justice $50,000 — To support a Jobs with Justice affiliate that plays an important role in Florida’s progressive landscape, bringing together community groups and labor unions to win statewide campaigns.
Clean Carwash Campaign $40,000 — To organize a movement of car wash workers that raises the wages and improves the working conditions of this low-wage workforce.
Coalition of Immokalee Workers $60,000 — To improve the wages and working conditions of Florida farmworkers.
Education and Training Institute, Inc. $40,000 — To ensure a voice for low-wage workers in their workplaces and communities.
Jobs With Justice Education Fund $130,000 — To support a national network of labor, community, faith-based, and student groups committed to economic and social justice movement building.
Missouri Jobs with Justice $60,000 — To engage working people in campaigns that organize support for workers and issues critical to working people in Missouri.
National Black Worker Center Project $60,000 — To use research, leadership development, technical assistance, and strategic communications to challenge systemic racism and anti-Blackness in the economy.
National Day Laborer Organizing Network $80,000 — To support a network of day laborer organizing groups whose goal is to protect the rights of their members.
National Domestic Workers Alliance $75,000 — To strengthen the national domestic worker rights movement and promote policy change.
National Farm Worker Ministry $40,000 — To build religious and community support for farmworkers organizing for economic justice efforts.
Nebraska Appleseed $60,000 — To support grassroots organizing in rural Nebraska that advances state, local, and federal progressive reforms of economic inclusion, family stability, and justice.
Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste $50,000 — To reform state labor rights policies in order to improve the working conditions of farm workers in Oregon.
Portland Jobs With Justice Education Fund $55,000 — To support a coalition of labor, community, faith-based, and student organizations to fight for economic and social justice, locally and nationally.
Restaurant Opportunities Centers United $75,000 — To build a national movement of restaurant workers that will improve their wages and working conditions.
Teamster Rank and File Education and Legal Defense Foundation $50,000 — To democratize the Teamsters Union by supporting the development of a rank-and-file movement committed to social justice.
Tenants and Workers United $40,000 — To build a powerful working people’s organization in northern Virginia that can influence public policy outcomes.
United for Respect Education Fund $60,000 — To support the organizing and mobilizing of Walmart workers fighting for dignity and respect on the job.
Worker Rights Consortium $40,000 — To combat labor rights abuses in the United States and the Global South.
Workers Center for Racial Justice $40,000 — To organize marginalized Black workers and their families to address the root causes of the high rates of unemployment, low-wage work, and over-criminalization plaguing Black communities.
Workers Defense Project $40,000 — To build a diverse, powerful base of construction workers, immigrants, and low-wage workers to inform and lead innovative strategies for working families in the face of crisis.
Making Democracy Work
Community Organizing
ACCE Institute $40,000— To increase the civic engagement of low- and moderate-income communities in California by developing non-partisan civic engagement efforts that encourage active public citizenship and voting.
Californians for Justice Education Fund, Inc. $40,000 — To support the democratic engagement of low-income youth of color in policy advocacy and oversight.
Capaces Leadership Institute $40,000 — To offer capacity building, political educational programming, social justice leadership curriculum, and cultural enrichment to a network of immigrant and farmworker movement organizations in Oregon.
Causa Justa :: Just Cause $50,000 — To engage low-income residents of San Francisco and Oakland and people of color in campaigns for affordable housing, to prevent foreclosures, and to secure community benefits in new local development.
Center for Popular Democracy $65,000 — To provide technical and legal expertise to help build innovative organizing strategies to support local partners in building power and winning change for low-income communities and communities of color.
Community Change $100,000 — To strengthen the effectiveness of organizations led by low-income and people of color involved in national and statewide movements for social justice.
Deaconess Foundation $60,000 — To increase the foundation’s capacity to fund local grassroots organizing, racial healing, and justice in the St. Louis region of Missouri.
Faith in Action $75,000 — To organize a national network of congregation-based community organizations to fight for vibrant communities and sustainable shared prosperity for all.
Faith in Florida, Inc. $50,000 — To support an organization that addresses various social justice issues at the statewide level in Florida by building a network of faith-based leaders and activists representing low-income and working class communities of color.
Food and Ag Justice Collaborative $50,000 — To effect major changes in the national food and agricultural system by changing public narratives and waging policy campaigns challenging the power of corporate actors.
Gamaliel Foundation $60,000 — To train community and faith leaders to build political power and create organizations that unite people of diverse faiths and races.
Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights $60,000 — To build the organizing power of immigrant communities and strengthen progressive infrastructure in Georgia.
Hoosier Action Resource Center $60,000 — To build low-income community power committed to social justice and racial equity in a predominantly rural and white state through strong narrative and civic engagement work.
ISAIAH $60,000 — To support a state federation of faith-based community groups organizing for affordable housing, immigrant rights, and other issues that benefit Minnesota families.
Kentucky Coalition, Inc. $60,000 — To strengthen a multi-issue, statewide organization working to protect the land and the people from the devastation of the coal industry, raise the minimum wage, and increase voter engagement.
Miami Workers Center $40,000 — To advance just recovery policies and decision-making practices across Florida that reflect the needs of the workers, renters, and families most impacted by COVID.
People’s Action Institute $150,000 — To strengthen a national network of power-building grassroots organizations.
Rural Organizing Project $50,000 — To support social justice organizing in rural Oregon communities.
Southern Echo $40,000 — To empower African American, vulnerable, low-wealth and marginalized communities throughout Mississippi and the Southern Region.
Southerners On New Ground $60,000 — To build, sustain, and connect a southern base of LBGTQ people transforming the region through community organizing.
Texas Organizing Project Education Fund $60,000 — To support a state-wide organizing effort in Texas empowering low- and moderate-income people of color through community organizing and civic engagement.
The Movement for Black Lives $50,000 — To promote the dignity and full humanity of all people by supporting the infrastructure for the Movement for Black Lives and its network of Black-led and Black-facing organizations.
The People’s Lobby Education Institute $50,000 — To support organizing and coalition-building to create statewide community power in Illinois.
Unite Oregon $60,000 — To support the statewide leadership development, power-building, and policy campaigns of a group with a successful strategy to organize across race, class, and urban/rural divides in the state of Oregon.
Washington Community Action Network Education and Research Fund $60,000 — To organize people of color, women, low-income people, people with disabilities, and immigrants to challenge economic inequality and structural racism in Washington State.
We Are Down Home $60,000 — To build power for small town and rural communities in North Carolina.
Democratic Participation
Basic Rights Education Fund $50,000 — To protect the rights and ensure the equity of LGBTQ communities in Oregon by building an intersectional movement through organizing, leadership development, and advocacy.
Black Voters Matter Capacity Building Institute $60,000
To build electoral power in Black communities by increasing the capacity of rural-based organizations to participate fully in our democracy.
California Calls $50,000 — To convene community organizing groups working in California’s low-income communities and communities of color and coordinate civic engagement programs that will win state-level campaigns.
Center for Working Families Fund $60,000 — To increase the capacity of people in disenfranchised communities to combat inequality, impact policy-making, and participate in the democratic process.
Colorado People’s Alliance $50,000 — To organize hundreds of members on immigration, workers’ rights, and climate justice in Colorado.
Florida Rising Together $40,000 — To support an organization that is at the center of the state alignment work in Florida, addressing systemic issues that affect communities of color.
Illinois People’s Action $40,000 — To develop a strong statewide coalition in Illinois through leadership development, voter education, and policy advocacy.
Liberty Hill Foundation $70,000 — To build power for intersectional justice in Los Angeles County.
Maine People’s Resource Center $60,000 — To strengthen the grassroots membership base of a statewide social change organization in Maine.
Missouri Organizing and Voter Engagement Collaborative $40,000 — To change culture and governance in Missouri in support of a multiracial, pluralist democracy that works in the interest of low-income and people of color communities.
Neighbor to Neighbor Massachusetts Education Fund $40,000 — To support community organizing locally and statewide in Massachusetts.
Oakland Rising $40,000 — To educate and mobilize low-income, immigrant, and people of color to vote and build power in Oakland.
Ohio Organizing Collaborative $50,000 — To support power-building organizing and civic engagement in order to build progressive infrastructure in Ohio.
Oregon Voice $20,000 — To support a statewide network of community-based organizations to promote coordinated civic engagement in Oregon.
OutFront Minnesota Community Services $50,000 — To support LGBTQ communities throughout Minnesota by engaging in community education and organizing to strengthen the movement to change policy and the hearts and minds of all Minnesotans.
Power California $50,000 — To support community-based groups in California to increase progressive, non-partisan civic participation among low-income immigrant communities of color.
Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada $60,000 — To support multiracial organizing that is increasingly successful in a state that is key to the success of a federal progressive agenda.
Right To The City Alliance $40,000 — To build a national grassroots movement for land, housing, and development justice.
Somali Action Alliance Education Fund $40,000 — To build voter engagement and civic participation programs within Minnesota’s Somali community to empower them to more fully participate in the civic and political life of the state.
TakeAction Minnesota Education Fund $60,000 — To strengthen a progressive statewide coalition that is modelling how to build a large grassroots base, win local power and experiment in co-governance, shift collective narratives, and achieve significant policy changes.
Virginia Civic Engagement Table $50,000 — To build the capacity of community and progressive organizations to effectively engage underrepresented voters through a statewide civic engagement strategy in Virginia.
Western States Center $60,000 — To support progressive organizing infrastructure in the U.S. Northwest and nationally, in order to build an inclusive democracy and defend it from the threat of White Nationalism and other discriminatory ideologies.
New York
ALIGN $50,000 — To create good jobs, vibrant communities, and an accountable democracy for all New Yorkers.
Center for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions $40,000 — To shift the paradigm and practice of public safety from one of criminal justice to human justice.
Coalition for Economic Justice $40,000 — To support a coalition of community, labor and faith-based groups in Buffalo.
Communities United for Police Reform $40,000 — To end discriminatory and abusive policing practices and increase police accountability.
Community Funds Inc. $20,000 — To support the Good Neighbor Fund which fosters social, economic, environmental and political justice on Long Island.
Community Voices Heard $60,000 — To organize low-wage workers and people on public assistance by advocating for affordable housing, public-job creation and other issues of concern to the poor.
Long Island Jobs with Justice $45,000 — To support a critical nexus of labor and community organizing on Long Island.
Make the Road New York $60,000 — To promote economic opportunity and democracy in New York State through organizing and collective action.
MinKwon Center for Community Action $50,000 — To support grassroots organizing efforts in the heart of the Korean immigrant community of Queens.
New York Civic Engagement Table $50,000 — To build long-term power for progressive social change in New York State.
New York Communities Organizing Fund, Inc. $60,000 — To organize low-income communities on Long Island, utilizing democratic engagement for social and economic equity.
New York Taxi Workers Alliance $60,000 — To build the collective power of taxi and for-hire drivers to improve their working conditions.
North Star Fund $50,000 — To provide support to organizations led by people of color to fight against police violence and structural racism through the Let Us Breathe Fund.
Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition $60,000 — To build enduring progressive power within the Bronx with a focus on those most impacted by issues at the center of decision-making.
PUSH Buffalo $60,000 — To support community organizing and leadership development programs in Upstate New York.
Public Policy and Education Fund of New York, Inc. $60,000 — To build a powerful statewide membership organization for economic and social justice.
NYC Coalition for Educational Justice $40,000 — To support the coordination of a coalition working to improve public schools in New York City.
VOCAL-NY $60,000 — To build long-term power for low-income people affected by drugs, homelessness and mass incarceration.
WDN Resources Center $50,000 — To support the leadership of women and gender-expansive people to change the conditions that deteriorate maternal mortality and reproductive health on Long Island.
Social Justice Infrastructure
Capacity Building
American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute, University of Southern California Center for Religion and Civic Culture $40,000 — To develop a robust and coordinated network of leaders and organizations representing America’s diverse Muslim communities.
Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity $40,000 — To build effective Black organizations that can develop community leaders, healers, and political leaders, for equity and liberation.
Blackbird $45,000 — To build, support and sustain a Movement for Black Lives that elevates visionary and strategic Black voices and catalyzes a national movement for racial justice.
Center for Story-based Strategy $60,000 — To equip grassroots organizers with framing and messaging strategies to build movements for systemic social change.
Center for Third World Organizing $40,000 — To strengthen the organizing and leadership skills of people of color and organizing groups across the United States.
Grassroots Policy Project $40,000 — To help social, economic, and environmental justice organizations engage in strategic practice.
Midwest Academy $50,000 — To provide strategic organizational support and training for community-led organizations.
Movement Generation $40,000 — To strengthen a national, grassroots movement for social, economic and climate justice.
Movement Strategy Center $40,000 — To provide critical support for national progressive alliances and local community organizing initiatives through fiscal sponsorship and capacity-building.
re:power $40,000 — To provide capacity building support to grassroots organizations.
RoadMap $40,000 — To foster strong organizations that can lead a sustainable and increasingly powerful social justice movement.
Veatch Program Fundraising Assistance Minigrant Fund $31,000 — To support Veatch in becoming more self-sustaining and capable of financial independence.
Veatch Program Organizational Development Minigrant Fund $71,706 — To strengthen the work of Veatch grantees by supporting organizational development activities.
Veatch Program Rapid Response Minigrant Fund $75,000 — To support urgent work that may arise for Veatch grantees in their work to organize marginalized communities throughout the country.
Informed Public Discourse
Democracy Now! $50,000 — To ensure the public discourse includes a diversity of voices seeking to promote progressive change.
Institute for Policy Studies $60,000 — To support the social justice movement through research and policy analysis.
Institute for Public Accuracy $45,000 — To broaden the public discourse by gaining access for voices commonly excluded by the mainstream media.
Labor Education and Research Project $60,490— To build a democratic and socially-just labor movement by strengthening networks of union organizing groups, promoting peer-to-peer learning, and raising awareness of the labor movement’s nationwide impact.
Political Research Associates $60,000 — To ensure that progressive social change organizations and the public are informed about the strategy, movements, institutions, and ideologies of the Far Right in the United States.
Race Forward $40,000 — To advance racial equity by providing tools for organizers and academics that animate public dialogue.
Progressive Philanthropy
Engage New York $55,000 — To support a network of progressive funders in New York State.
Association of Black Foundation Executives, Inc. $20,000 — To help philanthropic institutions achieve their missions by addressing the specific concerns, strengths, and needs of Black people and communities.
Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation $20,000 — To increase funding for nonpartisan civic participation and to educate funders so that their grantmaking more effectively strengthens the progressive movement for social justice.
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees $20,000 — To increase philanthropic support for immigrant rights advocacy and organizing.
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy $20,000 — To make philanthropy more responsive to the needs of socially, economically, and politically disenfranchised groups.
Neighborhood Funders Group $55,000 — To strengthen the capacity of organized philanthropy to understand and support community organizing for social justice.
Philanthropy New York $20,000 — To support a connected, engaged, and activated philanthropic community in New York.
The Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing $50,000 — To support a funder collaborative that leverages funds for youth organizing and builds awareness of the youth organizing field.
Women’s Funding Network $20,000 — To support a network of funders dedicated to gender equity.
Fiscal Year 2022 Grants Allocation Summary
Total Allocations: $12,746,196
The Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock provides support for efforts within the religious and spiritual mission of the congregation where their purposes are best served by outside agencies acting under the Veatch Program and the congregation.